Restart the computer and hold down the Mouse until the disc is ejected.Open Terminal, and enter in the following command: drutil tray eject 0 (then press return).Open Disk Utility, click on the CD in the list of drives, and click Eject.Quit all open applications, and restart the Finder (Apple menu, Force quit, then restart Finder), and try again.Press the 'Eject' key on your keyboard.Try waiting a minute or so, and do it again.

always try the steps in order! Plan A - Disc Doesn't Eject after Dragging to Trash

Here are the steps I usually take in trying to eject a CD or DVD-in order from least likely to damage the disc and/or my Mac, to most likely. Often a dialog pops up and says "the disc is in use" (but it doesn't specify what application is using it!), or worse, there is no error-the disc just won't come out. Sometimes, I just want to get a dratted disc out of the computer, but dragging it to the trash, or pressing the 'Eject' key won't work.

They are useful and often great time-savers. Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of keystrokes that allow you to quickly perform an action.